Wednesday, March 18, 2009

4th ed

I downloaded the 4th ed books and been thumbing through those. Yes it is an extremely simplified version that focuses much more heavily on combat as opposed to role playing, but it looks like it could be fun, it looks like it could be fun and alot more casual. Only problems are I'm not 100% on some things, I'd like to find an experienced 4th ed DM to run me through a short campaign/night to help me solidify a few things but I'm sure we could also hash it out with lots of book checking and jazz. Also the average party size is 5 as opposed to 4, i could proubably write campaigns for 4 or less but since I have campaign books I think i'd be alot more enjoyable to have fully fleshed worlds and professionaly written campaigns and encounters. Also the Player's Handbook 2 just came out today (got the DL) which expands playable races to 13 and playable classes to 16. That's a total of 208 race/class comibnations! Waaaaaho!
Does anyone still check this even?

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